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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Self-Publishing Blog: Helping Writers Become Authors

Self-Publishing Blog: Helping Writers Become Authors:

Author and writing mentor K.M Weiland doesn’t skimp on the details in her writing blog. Recent posts have tackled writing tragic scenes, using the Scrivener software, and the concept and mechanics of the “impact character.”

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Seven Reasons Not to Write Novels and Only One Reason to Write Them

Seven Reasons Not to Write Novels and Only One Reason to Write Them:

Javier MarĂ­as’ dour take on the art of fiction writing may at first seem designed to dash the hopes of aspiring authors, but he offers some words of encouragement at the end.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Writers' Resources: The Real Costs of Self-Publishing a Book

Writers' Resources: The Real Costs of Self-Publishing a Book:

Though this PBS post is over a year old, it offers a still-relevant appraisal of the cost of self-publishing a quality, error-free book.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Self-Publishing Blog: Russ Linton

Self-Publishing Blog: Russ Linton:

Linton recently self-published a sci-fi book and has been writing about the process. He’s not afraid to highlight his mistakes in hopes that others can learn from them, and his affable writing style makes for easy reading.