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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blog on Blog Action, or: Reading on Writing

Why would you ever need more than Tuna for Bernadette? What can those other guys offer you but bad trips and good intentions? And extensive working experience? Math skills and documented statistics…track records of successful published fiction….

Look, never mind all that now. What matters is: while TFB is clearly the bright center of the universe, it turns out there are some other fried gold slices out there too, scattered about the interwebs. Translated into saner language, this means that from time to time I, or the writing-type people I talk to, come across other blogs and web sites with interesting ideas and/or info on offer.

So: I’m going to start posting some of these here. Over time, I’ll post each blog, forum, or other relevant-type site as its own blog entry, and add it to the appropriate “linked resource” page (e.g. BLOGROLL) as well. (This current Tumblr theme puts these in the upper right, beneath the HOME link.)

I haven’t got any connection to any of these guys, and don’t even know them, at this writing at least. I just think other prospective authors and involved readers may, as I did, find some of these thought-provoking and/or informative too. By the way, if you have found any blogs or sites of interest to interested parties—or if you write one yourself, and it’s awesome—please feel free to contribute them. The CONTRIBUTE link, top center above (on the current Tumblr theme), is one way to do this.

By no means is this meant to serve as a comprehensive writers’ resource guide; nor does it necessarily represent a studied selection of the choicest of the choice (though I obviously think there’s merit to be found within each). But at least, hopefully, the results will, as Spinal Tap might put it, “add a tiny bit of color to [our] gray little lives.”

Or at least dump some fuel into the fires of existential confusion.

Let’s start with one or two right now…

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