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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Self-Publishing Blog: Bookbaby Blog

Self-Publishing Blog: Bookbaby Blog:

While the Bookbaby blog is clearly designed to drive business to a parent company, it is rich in content, especially in the self-publishing section. Peruse their latest posts for info on selling to worldwide markets, doing market research and Scrivener tips.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Self-Publishing Blog: Gotham Writers: Writer's Toolbox

Self-Publishing Blog: Gotham Writers: Writer's Toolbox:

Despite a rather dated navigation interface, this web site collecting writing tips, author Q&As and general advice is worth close examination.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Self-Publishing Blog:  Booknook Tips and Tutorials

Self-Publishing Blog:  Booknook Tips and Tutorials:

A cornucopia of practical advice on book formatting, design, ebook templates, Amazon’s KPD program and more.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

11 words whose meanings have completely changed over time

11 words whose meanings have completely changed over time:

Would it be fair to call this amusing and informative etymological investigation “awful?” Yes, it turns out.