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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Self-Publishing Blog: The Juggling Author

Self-Publishing Blog: The Juggling Author:

Perplexed over how to finish your novel while balancing the needs of your job, spouse and kids? This writer-advice blog has a particular niche: time-management.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Self-Publishing Blog:  Liminal Pages

Self-Publishing Blog:  Liminal Pages:

This blog shies away from marketing and promotion advice and instead focuses in on the details of crafting immersive speculative fiction.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Think Backward to Write Meaningful Metaphors

Think Backward to Write Meaningful Metaphors:

Metaphor is a tool that frequently floats to the surface during discussions on developing writing style. This post reverse-engineers the metaphor creation process.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

How to design book covers for different genres

How to design book covers for different genres:

Design site 99designs offers advice on creating covers that draw potential readers in while maintaining aesthetic appeal. Numerous example illustrations are provided.