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Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Scientific Case for Two Spaces After a Period

The Scientific Case for Two Spaces After a Period:

Perhaps more information than you could ever need about this controversial question of punctuation.

Friday, August 17, 2018

What Is Included in a Character Study?

What Is Included in a Character Study?:

Website Pen & the Pad covers all styles of writing from fiction to non. Their article on the art of writing a character study offers a paragraph by paragraph breakdown of the process. Other links of interest can be found on the same page.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

How to Write a Book Without Losing Your Mind

How to Write a Book Without Losing Your Mind:

Offering advice applicable to fiction and non-fiction writing, this Atlantic article pontificates on preventing procrastination and breaking large goals down into smaller ones.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Self-Publishing Blog: Creativindie

Self-Publishing Blog: Creativindie:

Author and marketer Derek Murphy blogs extensively on the tools and techniques of book promotion, such as managing email lists, being an introverted entrepreneur, and writing to the market.