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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Self-Publishing Blog: Writing Fiction

Self-Publishing Blog: Writing Fiction

Largely focused on speculative fiction authors and their work, Discussion on Writing and Publishing Novels and Short Fiction also tackles topics like social media marketing and the fall of the traditional publishing industry.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Self-Publishing Blog: Self-Publishing Success Stories

Self-Publishing Blog: Self-Publishing Success Stories

While no longer being updated, Self-Publishing Success Stories' final post contains a list of self-published authors who have sold more than 50,000 e-books. Previous posts consist of profiles of and interviews with successful authors who offer an honest look at their financials.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Self-Publishing Blog: Write on the River

Self-Publishing Blog: Factual Fiction by Bob Mayer

Factual Fiction by Bob Mayer offers a fly-on-the-wall view of a writer's life. The author, a former Green Beret and current adventure novelist, blogs about his successes and disappointments, attending writing conferences and the advantages of self-publishing.