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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Self-Publishing Blog: Jackie’s Blog

Self-Publishing Blog: Jackie’s Blog:

Jackie Weger focuses on a specific promotional plan: temporarily offering books free on the Amazon KDP platform and then reaping sales and paid borrows when the books return to full price. She reports specific numbers as seen by authors employing this tactic.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Writers' Resources: What Personality Features Do Heroes And Psychopaths Have In Common?

Writers' Resources: What Personality Features Do Heroes And Psychopaths Have In Common?:

The correlations seem weaker than I would have expected, but reviewing the literature on the topic will certainly get one’s mind musing on what, exactly, defines a “hero.”

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Self-Publishing Blog: Draft

Self-Publishing Blog: Draft:

The New York Times’ blog on writing is as you might expect: dense, focused essays on various esoteric aspects of the craft. Recent posts have discussed anxiety about unintended plagiarism, writers’ introversion and writing to rhythm.