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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Self-Publishing Blog: David Farland

Self-Publishing Blog: David Farland:

This blog by the best selling author/story doctor examines the subtle touches that put a gleaming gloss on a good story. It also contains sharp advice for career building.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Writers’ Resources: ThoughtCo on the Hero's Journey

Writers’ Resources: ThoughtCo on the Hero's Journey:

Interested in understanding this classic story archetype without getting lost in the texts of Campbell and Jung? This article series breaks it down in a logical, easy to digest manner.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Writers’ Resources: Write to Publish Blog On  Goodreads

Writers’ Resources: Write to Publish Blog On  Goodreads:

Goodreads is a hotbed of potential readers. How do authors navigate the site without appearing self-promotional and spammy? Publisher and publicist Robin Sullivan offers advice in a series of posts.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Self-Publishing Blog: Clear Writing With Mr. Clarity

Self-Publishing Blog: Clear Writing With Mr. Clarity:

This now archived blog, written by a former speechwriter, offers stern but useful advice on the art of writing concisely.