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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ugh. Just, ugh.

It’s quiet here in the abyss, except for the music blasting in my headphones to keep out the screams of children running wild at Starbucks. I’m going through a particularly tedious iteration of the between-drafts organization process.

I’ll post more on this shortly, but in the broad strokes what I’m doing is going through my Scrivener project and splitting the chapters I’ve written into scenes and sequels and pieces of scenes so I can split scenes across chapters. As I do this, I’m also applying a certain naming standard to all the scene phase/sequel files. So far this has taken me three days, or, technically, three very long afternoons.

Before that I was working on forms for character, setting and faction sheets.

Each of these subprojects, and the learning I had to submit myself to in order to trudge through them, merits an entry of its own. So, more to come.

It’s not the funnest part of writing a novel.

But at least it’s quiet.

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